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We Are City [SUMMIT] 2014

August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21 2014, 12:00pm - 6:00pm

“We Are City SUMMIT,” presented by Indianapolis Downtown, Inc., will resurface for its third iteration on August 21 with an eclectic mix of national and local speakers who work and play in the trenches and front lines of urban development, civic involvement and artistic engagement. Through observation, exploration and interaction, the half-day conference will challenge local “city builders” to think innovatively and act boldly about the future of their city.

“This is the most diverse collection of speakers we’ve hosted for SUMMIT, not just in terms of gender, race or locale, but also in profession,” said We Are City Co-Founder John Beeler. “By combining and juxtaposing different points of view and disciplines, our hope is to inspire bold, innovate thinking and amplify city improvement conversations within the Indianapolis metro area.”

The latest We Are City IMPORT, which invites thinkers and creators of all sorts to Indianapolis and introduces them to the city via short-term residencies, will culminate at the SUMMIT. Matthew Skjonsberg, a PhD researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-Lausanne, is the next IMPORT resident and will speak at the SUMMIT. Individuals with an interest in creative city-building are encouraged to register now for the SUMMIT. 

Local presenters include Sara Green (The Art Assignment, Indianapolis, Ind.) and Phyllis Boyd (Green 3, Indianapolis, Ind.). Visiting speakers include Matthew Skjonsberg (Laboratory of Urbanism, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland), Nettrice Gaskins (Georgia Tech’s Digital Media Program, Atlanta, Ga.), Claudia Folska (Denver Regional Transit District, Denver, Colo.), Bryce Johnson (Exploratorium, San Francisco, Calif.), Jace Clayton and Rocio Rodriquez Salceda (Artists, Brooklyn, N.Y.) and Ryan Gravel(Perkins+Will, Beltline, Atlanta, Ga.).

CLICK HERE to register.  

For more information about the SUMMIT and a complete schedule of events, visit

About We Are City - We Are City is a joint effort founded by the Center for Urban Ecology at Butler University and The Kinetic Project. The mission of We Are City is to inspire heightened conversation about city-building in Indianapolis, and to celebrate people and projects that exemplify smart, unique, and bold city-building. In addition to the SUMMIT, We Are City produces the BRIEFING, a bi-weekly email digest that highlights city-building news, and has created a residency program called IMPORT to introduce thinkers and creators to Indianapolis.

Location Information
Indiana Historical Society
450 W. Ohio Street
Indianapolis, IN
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