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Taking Care of Buildings: Stewardship for Historic Structures

October 5, 2019

Historic Preservation at MARCH

About: At museums and historic sites, the historic building has often been described as the largest object in the collection. How do you take care of it? Whether your organization is all volunteer or employs paid staff, this workshop will assist participants in planning for long term maintenance and preservation, identifying areas of concern, and minimizing building emergencies. Often, once a capital project has been completed, the organization files away project documents and forgets about the building until the next emergency occurs. This is not a cost effective or sustainable strategy to ensure that the significant and character defining features will be preserved for future generations. Developing a plan for maintenance will help you identify problems before they become major projects. In this workshop, participants will learn from seminar-style discussion and hands-on learning, including a tour of the 1796 Emlen House and surrounding neighborhood.

Who should register: This one-day workshop is designed for staff, volunteers, board members, or others associated with small museums and historic sites, such as site managers or representatives from municipalities that manage historic structures.

CEUs: .7

Location Information
Historic Building Architects
312 West State Street
Trenton, NJ
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