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Women's History Museums
Abigail Adams Birthplace
180 Norton St.
Weymouth MA 02191
Website: Visit the website...
Alabama Department of Archives & History
624 Washington Ave
Montgomery AL 36104
Phone: 334-242-4435
Website: Visit the website...
Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum
223 N Terrace St
Atchison KS 66002
Phone: 913-367-4217
Website: Visit the website...
American Alliance of Museums
2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 1005
Arlington VA 22202
Phone: 202-289-1818
Website: Visit the website...
American Association of Museums
2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 1005
Arlington VA 22202
Phone: 202-289-1818
Website: Visit the website...
Center for Colorado Women's History
1310 Bannock Street
Denver CO 80204
Phone: 303-620-4933
Website: Visit the website...
Delaware Museum Association
PO Box 1144
Dover DE 19901
Website: Visit the website...
Elisabet Ney Museum
304 E 44th
Austin TX 78751
Contact: Oliver Franklin
Phone: 512-974-1625
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Georgia Association of Museums
PO Box 2133
Marietta GA 30061
Phone: 770-853-7539
Website: Visit the website...
GLBT History Museum
4127 18th St.
San Francisco CA 94114
Phone: 415-777-5455
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Harriet Tubman Museum and Educational Center
424 Race Street
Cambridge MD 21613
Phone: 410-228-0401
Website: Visit the website...
Idaho Association of Museums
PO Box 656
Sun Valley ID 83353
Website: Visit the website...
Illinois Association of Museums
5431 N Normandy Ave
Chicago IL 60656
Phone: 217-524-6977
Website: Visit the website...
Iowa Museum Association
PO Box 824
Cedar Falls IA 50613
Phone: 319-239-2236
Website: Visit the website...
Maine Archives & Museums
PO Box 1196
Portland ME 04096
Phone: 207-400-6965
Website: Visit the website...
Mary Todd Lincoln House
578 W Main St
Lexington KY 40507
Phone: 859-233-9999
Website: Visit the website...
Michigan Museums Association
PO Box 5246
Cheboygan MI 49721
Phone: 313-334-7643
Website: Visit the website...
Missouri Association for Museums and Archives
PO Box 996
Columbia MO 65205
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Molly Brown House Museum
1340 Pennsylvania St
Denver CO 80203
Phone: 303-832-4092
Website: Visit the website...
Mountain-Plains Museums Association
1540 Yakima Dr
Colorado Springs CO 80915
Phone: 440-812-7221
Website: Visit the website...
Museum Council of Greater Philadelphia
c/o Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
1315 Walnut Street, Suite 732
Philadephia PA 19107
Website: Visit the website...
National First Ladies Library
Saxton McKinley House
331 Market Ave S
Canton OH 44702
Phone: 330-452-0876 x. 320
Website: Visit the website...
National Women's History Museum
3213 Duke Street #657
Alexandria VA 22314
Phone: 703-461-1920
Website: Visit the website...
New Mexico Association of Museums
PMB #149
1208 San Pedro NE
Albuquerque NM 87110
Website: Visit the website...
Oberlin Heritage Center
73 1/2 South Professor Street
PO Box 455
Oberlin OH 44074
Phone: 440-774-1700
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Ohio Museums Association
800 E 17th Ave
Columbus OH 43211
Phone: 614-297-2375
Website: Visit the website...
Oregon Museums Association
PO Box 8604
Portland OR 97207
Website: Visit the website...
Pioneer Woman Museum
701 Monument Road
Ponca City OK 74604
Phone: 580-765-6108
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Prudence Crandall Museum
PO Box 58
Canterbury CT 06331
Phone: 860-546-7800
Website: Visit the website...
South Carolina Federation of Museums
PO Box 12574
Columbia SC 29211
Phone: 843-349-2947
Website: Visit the website...
Southeastern Museums Conference
PO Box 550746
Atlanta GA 30355
Phone: 404-378-3153
Website: Visit the website...
Tennessee Association of Museums
PO Box 330984
Nashville TN 37203
Phone: 615-495-3354
Website: Visit the website...
The F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Museum
919 Felder Ave
Montgomery AL 36106
Contact: Sara Powell
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
The National Women's History Project
PO Box 469
Santa Rosa CA 95402
Phone: 707-636-2888
Website: Visit the website...
The Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum
67 East Road
Adams MA 01220
Phone: 413-743-7121
Website: Visit the website...
The Weeden House Museum
300 Gates Avenue
Huntsville AL 35802
Contact: Beth Hamilton,Director
Phone: 256-536-7718
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
West Virginia Association of Museums
PO Box 4589
Morgantown WV 26504
Phone: 304-813-8569
Website: Visit the website...
Western Museums Association
PO Box 4738
Tulsa OK 74159
Phone: 707-433-4701
Website: Visit the website...
Wisconsin Federation of Museums
PO Box 468
Madison WI 53701
Website: Visit the website...
Women's Basketball Hall of Fame
700 Hall of Fame Drive
Knoxville TN 37915
Phone: 865-633-9000
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Women's Rights National Historical Park
136 Fall Street
Seneca Falls NY 13148
Phone: 315-568-2991 or 315-568-0024
Fax: 315-568-2141
Website: Visit the website...


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Essential books that should be in the resource center 
of historical societies and museums.
Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and PracticesHistoric Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practices by Norman Tyler  Federal Historic Preservation Laws: The Official Compilation of U. S. Cultural Heritage StatutesFederal Historic Preservation Laws: The Official Compilation of U. S. Cultural Heritage Statutes
The Politics of Historic Districts: A Primer for Grassroots PreservationThe Politics of Historic Districts: A Primer for Grassroots Preservation by William Edgar Schmickle A Primer for Local Historical SocietiesA Primer for Local Historical Societies by Dorothy W. Creigh
A Field Guide to American HousesA Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia & Lee McAlester A Field Guide to America's Historic Neighborhoods and Museum Houses: The WesternA Field Guide to America's Historic Neighborhoods and Museum Houses: The Western States by Virginia & Lee McAlester
Museum Strategy and Marketing: Designing Missions, Building Audiences, Generating Revenue and ResourcesMuseum Strategy and Marketing: Designing Missions, Building Audiences, Generating Revenue and Resources by Philip Kotler Historic House Museums: A Practical Handbook for Their Care, Preservation, and ManagementHistoric House Museums: A Practical Handbook for Their Care, Preservation, and Management by Sherry Butcher-Younghans

For our full directory of preservation-related books, please visit our Preservation Bookstore by clicking here.

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