National Preservation Institute Appeal to Support New Courses & Training Scholarships

Contributed By: National Preservation Institute
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We are making a special appeal during this holiday season. We are always glad to accept donationsthrough online workplace giving, credit/debit card, directly from a checking account, or by check. As a nonprofit NPI also can accept donations of stock and from IRA accounts in the form of a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Please consider a gift to NPI. We really need your support. Thank you for your consideration.
During the early winter season, NPI continued with more online training, and we wanted to pass along some comments about the sessions:
--Thank you for providing this course! It was very helpful and informative—very well designed and engaging!
--The presentation was very relatable and easy to understand. Great!
--Thank you for your knowledge and for making the information so clear and accessible.
We have been especially excited to see a broader range of participants taking National Preservation Institute online training since the kick-off of this new format. On-demand courses are convenient—participants set the schedule and pace of training during the year they have access to the course—and webinars can save time and funds since no travel is needed. NPI’s training survey results show that participants are interested in both in-person and online formats; certainly, each has its own advantages. As comfort levels increase, NPI plans to resume in-person training in 2023.
Meanwhile, NPI needs your support to expand online learning opportunities! NPI is one of the few organizations offering high-quality professional training for people working and volunteering in cultural resource management and historic preservation. Unlike many organizations, membership is not required to enroll in our training. NPI courses are open to all and we try to reach the entire preservation community, including students and citizen advocates at the local level, as well as professionals.
We are committed to developing new courses each year, but to do this we really need your help—both to let us know your needs, and, if you can, to donate so that we can continue to provide these courses.
You understand how important these training opportunities can be. Perhaps you attended an NPI seminar or online course to meet regulatory compliance requirements, understand new technologies, learn about cultural landscapes, fundraise more effectively, explore window maintenance and repair, or review laws and regulations. Please consider a donation now!
NPI is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, so donations are tax deductible. Click here for additional donation options, including workplace giving.
Your donation supports scholarships to NPI training
NPI scholarships have been an important part of how we meet the training needs of the historic preservation and cultural resource management community. By making a donation to NPI’s James C. Massey Scholarship Fund you will help support scholarships to NPI training for participants who cannot afford to pay tuition. Scholarship recipients are the future of our field. They are students, young working professionals, people switching careers to work in historic preservation, and citizen advocates seeking to preserve what makes America unique—our irreplaceable local, state, and national historic and cultural resources!
Donate Now:
Posted: December 17, 2022
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