Historic Preservation Planner (City Planner II), Baltimore City Department of Planning (Baltimore, MD)

Contributed By: Lauren Schiszik
Website: https://chap.baltimorecity.gov/
Job Announcement: Historic Preservation Planner (City Planner II), Baltimore City Department of Planning, Baltimore, MD
The job posting is available here.
The application closes on Tuesday, 3/12 at midnight.
The salary range is $72,624.00 - $116,198.00 annually, and the City offers excellent benefits. We currently work in a hybrid format, and Department of Planning staff are required to work in the office two days per week.
Brief position summary: Working as part of the Historical and Architectural Preservation Division, the historic preservation planner manages historic preservation design review for local historic districts and landmarks, coordinates with neighborhood associations in problem solving, presents staff reports to the Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation, and coordinates with the Department of Housing and Community Development in code enforcement within local historic districts.
The minimum requirements are a graduate degree and at least two years of experience in preservation planning work, or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
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