Cultural Resources Challenges Act Aims to Help NPS to Better Protect Cultural Resources

Contributed By: Preservation Action
From Preservation Action:
Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) recently introduced the Cultural Resources Challenges Act (H.R. 7936). This bill would provide an additional $250 million in funding for historic and cultural resources at the National Park Service, address staff shortages, and direct NPS to develop curriculum to provide training for cultural resource protection and management. This bill would also establish a competitive grant program focused on resiliency and accessibility of cultural resources, supporting projects that address climate change, involvement of underrepresented communities in historic preservation, and encourage future generations to engage in historic preservation.
As noted by the recent "A Cultural Resource Challenge for the National Park Service" report from the National Parks Conservation Association, the National Park Service, due to years of chronic underfunding, is facing a severe shortage of staff and funding dedicated to cultural resources. The report also details the threat historic and cultural resources located in National Parks are facing from climate change. H.R. 7936 would help address several of the concerns laid out in the report.
The bill was referred to the House Natural Resources Committee. Check out the press release from Congressman Tonko and the press release from the NPCA to learn more about this bill.
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