Preservation Priorities Taskforce Launches Infographics on Pressing Historic Preservation Issues

Contributed By: National Preservation Partners Network / National Trust for Historic Preservation
The Preservation Priorities Task Force, a collaboration between the National Preservation Partners Network and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, recently released infographics as a new way to connect historic preservation to pressing issues in your community. The infographics focus on on four key issue areas for historic preservation:
- Affordable Housing and Density
- Diversity, Inclusion and Racial Justice
- Preservation Trades
- Sustainability and Climate Action
These infographics combine data, photos, and case studies to tell a visually compelling story and serves as a new tool for the preservation community to advocate on urgent issues. They are designed to draw the audience's attention, so you can follow with more details and examples from your community. The infographics are available for free and can be used to engage a wide array of audiences from community leaders, potential partners, and elected officials. Learn more about the infographics and download them today!
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Posted: September 9, 2024
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