Applications for Save America's Treasures and HBCU Preservation Grants Now Open

From Preservation Action:
The National Park Service is now accepting applications for the Save America's Treasures grant program and the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Preservation Grant Program. These competitive grant programs are funded through the Historic Preservation Fund and support a broad range of preservation projects. Preservation Action continues to advocate for robust funding for these important grant programs.
Save America's Treasures Grant Program
$25.5 million in grants is available through the Save America's Treasures grant program. These grants help preserve nationally significant historic properties and collections. Grants can be used for preservation and/or conservation work on historic districts, buildings, sites, and objects as well as collections, including artifacts, museum collections, documents, and works of art. Grants are split into two different opportunities, preservation grants and collections grants. The program was established in 1999 and since inception has awarded more than $330 million in grants to over 1,300 projects across the country.
Applications are due Dec. 12th. Learn more and apply today!
HBCU Preservation Grant Program
The National Park Service is accepting applications for $11 million in grants for the HBCU Preservation Grant program. These grants are available to support pre-preservation planning activities and physical preservation work to help document, preserve, and stabilize historic structures on HBCU campuses. Since the 1990s, the National Park Service has awarded over $60 million in preservation grants to more than 80 HBCUs across the country.
Applications are due Jan. 28, 2025. Learn more and apply today!
Posted: November 19, 2024
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