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Property For Sale
View more information about this historic property for sale in Georgetown, Texas

Griffith/McClain House

Georgetown, TX
30 Bromley Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
Phone: (503) 308-0500

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Bellmont College

Mad Dog Primer

Preservation Blog Topics     

Preservation Blog Topics

The Preservation Press Releases and Job Postings directory serves as a collection of articles/notices/releases on a wide variety of topics of value to the preservation community, including restoration techiques, historic preservation and cultural resource job listings, the historic nomination process, museum exhibitions and news, preservation legislation, historic travel and heritage trip ideas, and endangered or threatened historic sites and homes.

Please click on topic names below to view the press releases and job postings.  Please note - job postings are all listed under the category "Employment Opportunities, Jobs & Internships in Preservation & Cultural Resources".  To submit press releases and/or job postings, please read the "article guidelines" and then click here to use our online form

NEW POLICY FOR JOB POSTS FROM EMPLOYERS: will no longer accept job listings that do not include salary range information nor will we accept listings for unpaid internships/fellowships.  Why is this?  

Studies have shown that women and people of color are statistically less likely to negotiate, which in turn can lead to a furthering of the wage gap found in the US.  Adding competitive salary ranges has also been shown to improve the quality of applications received by employers. Unpaid internships limit professional development opportunities to the more fortunate who are able to accept these positions.  Unpaid internships devalue all preservation-related professional opportunities.  

For more information, resources and to take a more active role in this movement, please visit “Call To Action: Labor Equity In Preservation” by Sarah Marsom, Heritage Resource Consultant at

Click topic name below to view all available posts for that topic.  Job postings are all listed under the category "Employment Opportunities, Jobs & Internships in Preservation & Cultural Resources".

General Interest & Miscellaneous News

General information and news about historic preservation, as well as miscellaneous activities at historical societies, museums, downtown and mainstreet organizations and other organizations related to historic and cultural resource preservation.

Call for Papers & Educational Programs in Preservation

Post "Call for Paper" announcements for upcoming events, lectures or exhibit; information about undergraduate and graduate programs in historic preservation and cultural resource preservation; upcoming classes in preservation and cultural resource; and information on educational seminars and workshops and other study-related activity.

Employment Opportunities, Jobs & Internships in Preservation & Cultural Resources

View employment opportunities available in historic preservation, building restoration, museum employment, architecture, urban planning, and other related fields. Full-time positions, paid internships/fellowships, contract employment and other opportunities in preservation-related fields.

National Park Service - Heritage, Policy & Architecture News

News about the activities of National Park Service - the federal program charged with the care of our National Parks. Policy news and announcements will be posted here, along with information about the over 400 historic, sacred and beautiful sites throughout the NPS System.

Endangered History

Spread the word about a historic site or structure in your area that is endangered, as well as learn about the efforts of preservation organizations to save endangered places and threatened cultural resources.

Funding, Tax Incentives, Grants & Awards for Preservation Projects

Information on funding sources and awards for historic preservation and cultural resource management. Includes information on grants, tax incentives, awards, scholarships, fellowships and other preservation funding sources.

Legislation & Public Policy Issues in Preservation

Detailing past, current and future legislation in historic preservation and cultural resource preservation, as well as highlight past/current/future policy issues in preservation at the local, state and national levels.

What's New on

We will post regular updates detailing recent additions to



Do you have a press release or job listing that you would like to post?  There is no cost to post information, and you can use our form by clicking here

We list press releases for historic and cultural resource preservation-related news items, in the areas of General Interest; Architecture/Design; Educational Programs & Seminars; Endangered History; Funding, Tax Incentives and Grants for Preservation Projects; Heritage Travel and Tourism; Historic Preservation & Restoration Projects; Legislation & Public Policy Issues in Preservation; Museums & Cultural Resources; National Park Service News; Researching Your Historic Home; Theater, Cinema & Opera House Restoration and Revitalization; and Urban Planning & Downtown Revitalization.

We also maintain a directory of job listings, posted by museums, historical societies, architecture firms, and preservation consulting as well as staff.  To post a preservation-related job, click here.


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