
Preservation Library: articles, regulations & policy |
Preservation Library: articles, regulations & policy
Welcome to the Preservation Library - a repository of historic preservation and building restoration publications, reports and articles that provide expert guidance for the rehabilitation and preservation of historic structures, as well as links to essential policy and legal documents that pertain to historic preservation and cultural resource management.
Below you will find:
Your feedback is greatly encouraged - if there are documents/articles you would like see here, please contact us. Check back often, as new content will be added regularly. If you would like to be updated when new articles are added, please click here to sign up for our "General Email Newsletter".
Below is an overview of select laws, executive orders and regulations for historic preservation and cultural resource management. For the complete list (which includes laws/orders/regulations for the National Park Service, maritime preservation, Native Americans & NAGPRA, tax incentives for historic preservation, and transportation), please visit www.nps.gov/history/laws.htm.
Please note, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open some documents, which you can download for free at http://get.adobe.com/reader.
Historic Preservation:
Museums & Archives:
National Park Service:
(Technical Preservation Services (TPS), Heritage Preservation Services Division of the National Park Service)
The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties are common sense principles in non-technical language. They were developed to help protect our nation's irreplaceable cultural resources by promoting consistent preservation practices. The Standards may be applied to all properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places: buildings, sites, structures, objects, and districts.
PRESERVATION BRIEFS: (Technical Preservation Services (TPS), Heritage Preservation Services Division of the National Park Service)
Preservation Briefs provide guidance on preserving, rehabilitating and restoring historic buildings. Please note that the web versions of the Preservation Briefs differ somewhat from the printed versions. Hard copies of the Briefs may be purchased from the Government Printing Office at http://bookstore.gpo.gov.
Preservation Briefs Homepage: www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs.htm
Complete List of Technical Preservation Services' Publications and Online Materials: www.nps.gov/tps/education/free-pubs.htm
PRESERVATION TECH NOTES: CASE STUDIES IN HISTORIC PRESERVATION: (Technical Preservation Services (TPS), Heritage Preservation Services Division of the National Park Service)
The Preservation Tech Notes provide practical information on traditional practices and innovative techniques for successfully maintaining and preserving cultural resources. Please note that the web versions of the Preservation Tech Notes differ somewhat from the printed versions.
Preservation Tech Notes Homepage: www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/tech-notes.htm
- Historic Garage and Carriage Doors: Rehabilitation Solutions. Bonnie Halda, AIA. 1989.
Exterior Woodwork:
- Proper Painting and Surface Preparation. Sharon Park, AIA. 1986.
- Paint Removal from Wood Siding. Alan O'Bright. 1986.
- Log Crown Repair and Selective Replacement Using Epoxy and Fiberglass Reinforcing Bars. Harrison Goodall. 1989.
- Protecting Woodwork Against Decay Using Borate Preservatives. Ron Sheetz and Charles Fisher. 1993.
- Process-Painting Decals as a Substitute for Hand-Stencilled Ceiling Medallions. Sharon Park, FAIA. 1990.
Historic Glass:
- Repair and Reproduction of Prismatic Glass Transoms. Chad Randl. 2002.
- Repair and Rehabilitation of Historic Sidewalk Vault Lights. Cas Stachelberg and Chad Randl. 2003.
Historic Interior Spaces:
- Preserving Historic Corridors in Open Office Plans. Christina Henry. 1985.
- Preserving Historic Office Building Corridors. Thomas Keohan. 1989.
- Preserving Historic Corridor Doors and Glazing in High-Rise Buildings. Chad Randl. 2001.
- Substitute Materials: Replacing Deteriorated Serpentine Stone with Pre-Cast Concrete. Robert M. Powers. 1988.
- Stabilization and Repair of a Historic Terra Cotta Cornice. Jeffrey Levine and Donna Harris. 1991.
- Water Soak Cleaning of Limestone. Robert M. Powers. 1992.
- Non-destructive Evaluation Techniques for Masonry Construction. Marilyn E. Kaplan, Marie Ennis and Edmund P. Meade. 1997.
Mechanical Systems:
- Replicating Historic Elevator Enclosures. Marilyn Kaplan, AIA. 1989.
- Conserving Outdoor Bronze Sculpture. Dennis Montagna. 1989.
- Restoring Metal Roof Cornices. Richard Pieper. 1990.
- In-kind Replacement of Historic Stamped-Metal Exterior Siding. Rebecca A. Shiffer. 1991.
- Rehabilitating a Historic Iron Bridge. Joseph P. Saldibar, III. 1997.
- Rehabilitating a Historic Truss Bridge Using a Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Deck. Chad Randl. 2003.
- Repair and Reproduction of Metal Canopies and Marquees with Glass Pendants. Lauren Van Damme and Charles E. Fisher. 2006.
Museum Collections:
- Museum Collection Storage in a Historic Building Using a Prefabricated Structure. Don Cumberland, Jr. 1985.
- Reducing Visible and Ultraviolet Light Damage to Interior Wood Finishes. Ron Sheetz and Charles Fisher. 1990.
- Restoring Vine Coverage to Historic Buildings. Karen Day. 1991.
Temporary Protection:
- Temporary Protection of Historic Stairways. Charles Fisher. 1985.
- Specifying Temporary Protection of Historic Interiors During Construction and Repair. Dale H. Frens. 1993.
- Protecting A Historic Structure during Adjacent Construction. Chad Randl. 2001.
Please note that 1–9 are available only in The Window Handbook: Successful Strategies for Rehabilitating Windows in Historic Buildings, which can be purchased through the Historic Preservation Education Foundation.
- Planning Approaches to Window Preservation. Charles Fisher. 1984.
- Installing Insulating Glass in Existing Steel Windows. Charles Fisher. 1984.
- Exterior Storm Windows: Casement Design Wooden Storm Sash. Wayne Trissler and Charles Fisher. 1984.
- Replacement Wooden Frames and Sash. William Feist. 1984.
- Interior Metal Storm Windows. Laura Muckenfuss and Charles Fisher. 1984.
- Replacement Wooden Sash and Frames With Insulating Glass and Integral Muntins. Charles Parrott. 1984.
- Window Awnings. Laura Muckenfuss and Charles Fisher. 1984.
- Thermal Retrofit of Historic Wooden Sash Using Interior Piggyback Storm Panels. Sharon Park, AIA. 1984.
- Interior Storm Windows: Magnetic Seal. Charles Fisher. 1984.
- Temporary Window Vents in Unoccupied Historic Buildings. Charles Fisher and Thomas Vitanza. 1985.
- Installing Insulating Glass in Existing Wooden Sash Incorporating the Historic Glass. Charles Fisher. 1985.
- Aluminum Replacements for Steel Industrial Sash. Charles E. Fisher. 1986.
- Aluminum Replacement Windows with Sealed Insulating Glass and Trapezoidal Muntin Grids. Charles Parrott. 1985.
- Reinforcing Deteriorated Wooden Windows. Paul Stumes, P.Eng 1986.
- Interior Storms for Steel Casement Windows. Charles E. Fisher and Christina Henry. 1986.
- Repairing and Upgrading Multi-Light Wooden Mill Windows. Christopher W. Closs. 1986.
- Repair and Retrofitting Industrial Steel Windows. Robert M. Powers. 1989.
- Aluminum Replacement Windows With True Divided Lights, Interior Piggyback Storm Panels, and Exposed Historic Wooden Frames. Charles Parrott. 1991
- Repairing Steel Casement Windows. Chad Randl. 2002.
- Aluminum Replacement Windows for Steel Projecting Units with True Divided Lights and Matching Profiles. Chad Randl. 2003.
- Replacement Wood Sash Utilizing True Divided Lights and an Interior Piggyback Energy Panel. Charles E. Fisher. 2008.
- Maintenance and Repair of Historic Aluminum Windows. Kaaren R. Staveteig. 2008.
Below you will find links to articles and policy reports of particular importance to the historic preservation and cultural resource management community. Additional articles and policy reports will be added over time, so please check back often. If you have suggestions for content you would like added, please click here to contact us.
- Realizing the Energy Efficiency Potential of Small Buildings, prepared by the Preservation Green Lab (National Trust for Historic Preservation) in partnership with the New Buildings Institute, June 2013
- LEED for Neighborhood Development and Historic Preservation, U.S. Green Building Council, March 2013
- Saving Windows Saving Money: Evaluating the Energy Performance of Window Retrofit and Replacement, a report by the Preservation Green Lab (National Trust for Historic Preservation), 2012
- The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation & Illustrated Guidelines on Sustainability for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, prepared by Technical Preservation Services for Historic Buildings, National Park Service (April 2011)
- The Greenest Building: Quantifying the Environmental Value of Building Reuse, a Report by Preservation Green Lab (National Trust for Historic Preservation), 2011
- Energy Efficiency for Historic Homes by Preservation North Carolina
- The Role of District Energy in Greening Existing Neighborhoods: A Primer for Policy Makers and Local Government Officials, a report by the Preservation Green Lab (National Trust for Historic Preservation) and the Center for Sustainable Business Practices, University of Oregon, September 2010
- Weatherizing and Improving the Energy Efficiency of Historic Buildings, prepared by Technical Preservation Services for Historic Buildings, National Park Service
- Historic Preservation and Green Building: Finding Common Ground by By Richard Moe, National Trust for Historic Preservation (November 20, 2008)
- Toward a Future Model Energy Code for Existing and Historic Buildings, prepared by Sean Denniston (New Buildings Institute), Liz Dunn (Research & Policy Lab, National Trust for Historic Preservation); Jayson Antonoff (City of Seattle); and Ralph DiNola (Green Building Services Inc.)
- Historic Preservation and Green Building: A Lasting Relationship, published originally in Environmental Building News, January 2007
- Rivers of Steel Economic Impact Assessment: The Annual Average Economic and Employment Impacts of Rivers of Steel on the Eight-County Region, developed by The Hill Group, Inc. in partnership with Rivers of Steel Heritage Corporation, 2020
- The Economic Benefits of Maryland's Historic Revitalization Tax Credit Program, Abell Foundation, 2020
- The New Nashville: A Study of the Impacts of Historic Preservation, prepared by PlaceEconomics for Nashville Metro Historical Commission, April 2019
- The Missing Key: A Study of the Impact and Potential of the Pennsylvania State Historic Tax Credit, prepared by PlaceEconomics for Preservation Pennsylvania, April 2019
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation: List of Statewide, Regional & Local Studies
- Historic Preservation: An Overlooked Economic Driver - A Study of the Impacts of Historic Preservation In Rhode Island, 2018; prepared by the Preservation Society of Newport County and Preserve Rhode Island
- Wisconsin Historic Tax Credit Analysis, Impact Analysis Calendar Years 2014, 2016, April 2017
- The Preservation Society of Newport County: A Community Impact Study, prepared by the Preservation Society of Newport County, Rhode Island, 2013-1014
- Economic Impact of Historic Preservation in Texas; prepared by the University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Sustainable Development and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Planning, 2015
- Preservation For a Changing Colorado: The Economic Benefits of Historic Preservation in Colorado (Colorado Preservation, Inc; funded by a History Colorado State Historical Fund Grant)
- Historic Preservation: At the Core of a Dynamic New York City, report created for the New York Landmarks Conservancy, prepared by PlaceEconomics, April 2016
- Preservonomics 101: The Economic Benefits of Historic Preservation, YouTube Video, presented by the Boston Preservation Alliance, March 2014
- Measuring Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation, prepared for the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation by PlaceEconomics, 2011
- Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit for FY 2012, prepared by the National Park Service and Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, July 2013
- Investing in Michigan's Future: The Economics Benefits of Historic Preservation, prepared by the Michigan Historic Preservation Network, 2012
- Connecticut Local Historic Districts and Property Values, prepared by PlaceEconomics, October 2011
- Good News in Tough Times: Historic Preservation and the Georgia Economy (study prepared for the Georgia Historic Preservation Division by Donovan Rypkema and Caroline Cheong of PlaceEconomics, January 2011)
- Investment in Connecticut: The Economic Benefits of Historic Preservation, prepared by PlaceEconomics, 2011
- Prosperity Through Preservation: Virginia’s Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program (Virginia Department of Historic Resources, 2008)
- A Profitable Past: The Economic Impact of Historic Preservation in Arkansas, prepared by the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program and the Center for Urban Policy Research at Rutgers University, 2006
- Economics, Sustainability, and Historic Preservation (A Speech by Donovan D. Rypkema, 2005)
- A Civic Gift: Historic Preservation, Community Reinvestment and Smart Growth in Michigan, produced by the Michigan Land Use Institute (MLUI), 2003.
- Assessing the Values of Cultural Heritage (Research Report, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, CA, 2002)
- Reinvesting in Older Housing - A Key Component of Post COVID-19 Resiliency, prepared by PlaceEconomics, 2020
- Incentives, Tools, and Strategies Assessment: An Evaluation of Preservation Incentives for Miami-Dade County, prepared by PlaceEconomics for the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners, 2018
- Raleigh Historic Preservation Toolkit, prepared by PlaceEconomics, January 2018
- How to Save a Building: A Grassroots Guide for Local Preservationists, prepared by the Michigan Historic Preservation Network and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, 2012
- Preservation Works: Historic Preservation Projects and Case Studies, prepared by the Kentucky Heritage Council
- 10 Tips: Restoring vs. Rehabilitating Your Historic Home (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
- What You Need to Know About Local Historic Districts: Introduction and Building Permit Application Process, prepared by the City of Detroit Historic District Commission
- A Guide to Becoming an Historic Preservation Professional: The Work You Can Do, What Employers Want, and Educational Considerations, by Jeremy C. Wells, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; with additional assistance from Priya Chhaya, Associate Director of Publications and Programs, Preservation Resources, National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Guidelines for Architectural Historians Testifying on the Historical Significance of Properties, prepared by the Society of Architectural Historians, adopted May 10, 2019
- National Register of Historic Places Program: Sample Nominations
- National Register of Historic Places Overview, prepared by the National Register of Historic Places (National Park Service), 2002
- Guidelines for Evaluating and Nominating Properties that Have Achieved Significance Within the Past Fifty Years, prepared by the National Register of Historic Places (National Park Service), revised 1998
- How to Complete the National Register Registration Form, prepared by the National Register of Historic Places (National Park Service), 1997
- How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, prepared by the National Register of Historic Places (National Park Service), revised 1997
- The Devil's Advocate Guide to National Register Listing by Aaron M. Dougherty, Will Interpret for Food (Originally Posted: PreservationNation Blog)
- 10 Tips to Build Your National Register Knowledge by Julia Rocchi, National Trust for Historic Preservation, March 2016
- A Guide to Researching the History of a House by HomeAdvisor
- How to Research the History of a House (State of New Jersey Historic Preservation Office, 2009)
- How to Research Your Home's Past, Old-House Online, 2009
- Finding the History in Your Home, Old House Web
- Researching a Historic Property, prepared by the National Register of Historic Places (National Park Service), revised 1998
- Sanborn Fire insurance Maps, Geography & Map Division, Library of Congress
- Sanborn Maps: Mapping Out A Restoration, article by Old-House Online
- Resources Prepared for Specific Localities, May Be Useful for Your Research:
- How to Guide: Finding Information on your Portland Neighborhood; Restore Oregon, 2017
- Researching Historic Buildings in New York City, NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission, 2016.
- Researching Historic Properties, resources from the Historic Charleston (South Carolina) Foundation
- House to Research Your Property, prepared by the City-County of Spokane Historic Preservation Office
- A Guide to Researching Your Neighborhood History, prepared by the Neighborhood Histories Committee of the Houston History Association, 2009
- Built in Buffalo: How To Research Homes, by Cynthia Van Ness
- Historic Building Research Guide (Rochester, NY), prepared by the Landmark Society of Western New York
- Conducting Historical Research on a Residence in Salem, Oregon, City of Salem Community Development Department
- A Complete Guide to Researching Any House in Los Angeles, Curbed LA, 2013
Be sure to review documents listed above under "The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties" , "Preservation Briefs" and "Preservation Tech Notes: Case Studies in Historic Preservation" (all prepared by Technical Preservation Services, Heritage Preservation Services Division of the National Park Service)
- Repair, Restoration, Replacement, and Re-creation of Building Facades and Related Exterior Elements, NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
- US Heritage Group Document Library - Publications in the Following Categories: Repointing Mortar; Plaster & Stucco; Stone & Terra Cotta; Limewash; Binders
- Historic Theatre Rescue, Restoration, Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse Manual, prepared by the League of Historic American Theatres
- Window Repair and Weatherization Guidebook: A Handy Guide for Owners of Portland, Oregon Homes, prepared by the Bosco-Milligan Foundation / Architectural Heritage Center, with support from the Irvington Community Association, 2012
- Guide for In-Place Treatment of Wood in Historic Covered and Modern Bridges, prepared by the US Department of Agriculture, March 2012
- Rehab It Right! Historic Property Owner's Guide, prepared by the Utah Heritage Foundation, 2011
- Masonry History Integrity: An Urban Conservation Primer, prepared by the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), December 2011
- Compatible Infill Design: Principles for New Construction in Oregon's Historic Districts, prepared by Restore Oregon, 2011
- Mourning Glory: Preserving Historic Cemeteries, a publication of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation's Historic Landscape Preservation Initiative, November 2011
- Best Practice Recommendations for Cleaning Government Issued Headstones, prepared by the National Park Service National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
- Preservation of Historic Iron and Steel in Bridges and Other Metal Structures, funded by grant from the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), July 2010
- Preservation Guidelines for Municipally Owned Historic Burial Grounds and Cemeteries, prepared by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, revised 2009
- A Primer for the Renovation / Rehabilitation of Older and Historic Schools, by the Council of Educational Facility Planners International, 2004
Note: For full funding information for historic preservation and cultural resource management, including grants, loans, tax incentives, easement programs, rebate programs, scholarships, fellowships, internships, and much more visit our partner website HistoricFunding.com.
- Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit for Fiscal Year 2019, prepared by Rutgers University Center for Urban Policy Research and the National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services, 2020.
- Incentives: A Guide to the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program for Income-Producing Properties, prepared by the National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services.
- Historic Preservation Tax Incentives, prepared by the National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services, 2012.
- Introduction to Federal Tax Credits for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings: Main Street Commercial Buildings, prepared by the National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services, revised 2012.
- Foundation Grants for Preservation in Libraries, Archives and Museums, 2010 Edition, prepared by The Library of Congress, 2010.
- Easements to Protect Historic Properties: A Useful Historic
Preservation Tool with Potential Tax Benefits, prepared by the National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services, 2010.
- Introduction to Federal Tax Credits for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings: Barns, prepared by the National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services, 2008.
- Introduction to Federal Tax Credits for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings: Wood Frame Houses, prepared by the National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services, 2008.
- Introduction to Federal Tax Credits for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings: Rowhouses, prepared by the National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services, 2007.
- Establishing and Operating an Easement Program to Protect Historic Resources by Elizabeth Watson and Stefan Nagel; updated by Julia H. Miller and Ross M. Bradford, with contributions by Thompson Mayes, The National Trust for Historic Preservation, 2007.
- Storefront Improvements: A Guide for Neighborhood Commercial Districts, prepared by the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS)
- Saratoga Springs: Enhancing the Values through Historic Preservation, prepared by PlaceEconomics for the City of Saratoga Springs, November 2018
- A Shared Table: A Study of the Impacts of Louisiana Main Street, prepared by PlaceEconomics for Louisiana Office of Cultural Development, July 2018
- Managing Change: Preservation and Rightsizing in America, presented by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 2014
- Revitalizing Main Street: Economic Development & Job Creation Through a Rehabilitation Tax Credit, prepared by Restore Oregon, 2014
- Placemaking in Legacy Cities: Opportunities and Good Practices, prepared by New Solutions Group, LLC, December 2013
- Preservation in the City, prepared by the Preservation Leadership Forum (National Trust for Historic Preservation), Summer 2013
- Historic Preservation and Rightsizing: Current Practices and Resources Survey, prepared by Cara Bertron and Donovan Rypkema, PlaceEconomics, May 2012
We are pleased to offer our free comprehensive resource guide for historic and cultural resource preservation. Developed for a lecture at the Portland, Oregon based Architectural Heritage Center by the staff of PreservationDirectory.com, the resource guide presents primary online resources in the field of historic and cultural resource preservation. Topics include researching your historic home; funding sources and tax credit programs available; utilizing your State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO); finding an undergrad/graduate program in historic preservation; historic real estate resources online; preservation event/conference directories; and much more.
The current resource guide, while highlighting specific Portland/Oregon resources, is National in scope and will be applicable to anyone seeking resources in the United States. Please note, it is our intent to eventually offer a separate resource guide for each state.
Please contact us to request your free PDF copy of "Preservation Resources on the Web", developed by PreservationDirectory.com.
Has your organization produced articles and/or policy papers that would be of interest to the preservation community?
Are there documents not listed here that you would like us to add?
Please click here to contact us with feedback and suggestions.